The globes have been seen by several hundred thousand visitors now at the San Diego International airport, helping set the tone for how San Diego thinks, collaborates and invites innovation. read more
Around The World in 100 Ways - A UT story by Laurie Delk →
Press Tour Video of 100WP Installation at The San Diego International Airport, Terminal 2
"Points of Entry" Exhibition Asks 100WP Globes to Set Tone for New Arrivals to San Diego Airport →
HOME China Fall Issue Features 100WP
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FUBIZ /France Talks About 100 Worlds Project
Voici le projet de l’artiste Ron Miriello intitulé 100 Worlds Project. Une collaboration avec des photographes et artisans représentant la Terre à travers le symbole de la mappemonde de 100 façons différentes. A découvrir actuellement à la Jett Gallery de San Diego.